Title: Games that handle sexualization of women properly?
Reason: User Banned (Permanent): Bigotry.
Jesus, who cares? We're dealing with fucking videogames here. Every week there seems to be threads on here about nonsensical rubbish like the representation of women and trannies and homosexuality in the Mushroom Kingdom. Female empowerment, disabled leprechauns, the list goes on. In almost all cases its a MAJOR deal and you lot are outraged at said representation and the fault lies squarely at the feet of evil white men. Unless its some weird paedo Japanese dating sim, do you even enjoy the games you supposedly play? The general consensus online is that ResetEra is populated by complete and utter dickheads.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/8881812/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/347FZ