Title: ABC apologizes for hurting Indians feeling by having a Hindu national terror plot in ‘Quantico’
Reason: User Banned (3 Days): Inflammatory Generalizations + Unsourced Claims
India a country that voted in Modi, the Indian Hitler. Why is this dude so popular in India? Really fucked up. A really really bad look. This guy literally directed mobs of vicious Indian nationalists, as they threw babies on bayonets and raped a 100,000 women. His popularity exploded. Fuck all these people that defend India and Modi. Fucking disgusting. India also practices female infanticide, and is one of the most religous and oppressive countries on the planet. Looks at what they do in Kashmir. Shameful. Some people are just complete unable to own up to anything their country does. Delusional I would say. This episode of Quantico is nothing compared to how other groups of people are maimed in the media. Hurt feelings my ass. Pathetic ABC would actually apoligise for this. It's actually scary and eye opening. Are we really going to ignore this shit because of hurt feelings?
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/8957023/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/19aIH