Title: Val Kilmer calls out Anthony Bourdain for ‘selfish’ suicide
Reason: User Banned (3 Days): Pseudo-scientific theories downplaying conditions of depression
But cancer, and in particular heart diesease and dementia are physical diseases. They are ever present unless remedied. Whereas with depression after a period of rest, where did it go? No scans will show it. Yet with the other conditions they are there, whether you are sleeping or awake. Depression is a conditon of the mind. Where we differ is "the source of the problem". I contend that diseases like Cancer, Heart Disease, Dementia, and so on are localized within the body where as "depression" is a condition of mind. My theorum contends that the brain is not the mind. The mind is a subtler entitiy whose physical organ is the brain. They are, the mind and physical brain - interlinked. But the brain is a subservient organ to the mind, and that the mind is the chief supervisor over the physical apparatus which they call the brain. For me the mind, and not the brain is both the origin and cessation of depression. Not some fault in the physical wiring, not something handed down, like puma sneakers but localized in the mind. Poll the people on the wealth of anitdepressants, and they will tell you that depression remains, what happens is the symptomology is simply dulled. Yet ever present, in the background of the subconsious. Eat good food. Whats wrong with your gut organs is the overall tamber of the food you are putting down your belly. And it is the exact same with depression. Your way of thinking, which is part and parcell to this time, is dangerous. It says "I'm a victim of my brain, it's wiring, it's genetic. There is nothing i can do except take an antidepresant for the rest of my days. For the woe to be gone, there is the final act, no escape. I'm fucked. If you believe as such, when the wave hits and drags you down for the hundreth time, ending your life becomes rudimentary. I believe depression is a condtion of the mind, and is brought about wholly by the tamber of thoughts the mind is fed. As an example - for you it's about "oh i hate that guy cause he thinks he's better." Thats the tamber of your thoughts. Thats what you are feeding your mind. For me it has nothing at all whatsoever to do with "the lick of pride." That line of thinking is low level and ego centric. It has nothing to do with my ego gratification, and everything to do with another person avoiding fucking disaster.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9045381/
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