Title: Dan and Carrie Floyd are leaving Extra Credits [UPDATE: Sexual harrassment claims]
Reason: User Banned (1 Week): Downplaying the activity and commentary of a hate movement
TB's name was dragged left and right during GamerGate and he got branded and his image was misused in all sorts of manner. I don't hold him accountable for things he had little-to-no control over. What little he actually said about GG was reasonable and if you want to discuss his involvement in GG then at least discuss the things he actually said or did, not the things that he didn't and had no control over. This has been proven to be true often enough to raise questions, I definitely agree with you there, but at the same time I wonder and ask you. How is a man who supports these feminist movements be able to express his support or concerns without falling under excessive scrutiny? Although I consider myself a supporter for feminism or LGBTQ movements I also find that it's hard to speak in defence of them without falling under the same scrutiny as the people who are vehemently opposed to them. Perhaps it's just poor wording on my part, or lack of tact, but it is something that concerns me.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9105712/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/aoC4c