Title: Fortnite crossplay (Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PC, Mac, Mobile) confirmed, Sony blocking PS4
Reason: User Banned (3 Days): History of Trolling
Sony built it's PS4 player base through being all about games, allowing switching HDDs, not forcing media player costs on the players, nor Kinect or whatever, which is why they are at 80+ consoles sold with about 50+ million online users; more than It's console competitors combined, and doubled. The PS4 online player base is not what their competitors DESERVE, however, it's what their competors' players NEED right now. As a PS4 player I want the best games, and the best online. I am in no need for more online people to play against, however: I feel sympathy for gamers of competing platforms. They deserve a big player base as well, even if the companies which they support did not build that this generation, all gamers in my mind are just that; gamers. And all gamers are created equal. No matter if you prefer Halo over Zelda, or if you think Mario Kart is better than Forza or Wipeout, everyone should have a chance to play with eachother. So I think Sony should allow it. However, Sony should get 1 dollar per user, per month from their competitors. This money should go into the PS Network, to have an even beter service. Or maybe put that money towards the development for a new indie title which would be created for PS+. Or maybe give it to charity. I don't know. MS or Nintendo should pay for the gesture, because that brings value to their platforms, and it inspires them to create a compelling ecosystem for their users to invest in, so that one day, all platforms have the same userbase, not needing to piggyback on the big generational winner for player, but all contributing to 1 big online pool. My 2 cents. TLDR: -All gamers are created equal and deserve access to Sony PS4 online player base -Their competitors should pay for this access as it brings value to their platforms -It would be even better if all 3 platforms in the future are equally as strong as every company would benefit Because it makes owning their platform more attractive. And it brings more strain on the PSN possibly?
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9153066/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/DLoEl