Title: Kim-Trump Summit Thread - Fire and Fury Edition
Reason: User Banned (Duration Pending): Unnecessary hostility and dismissiveness, history of dismissive behavior
Because, nuclear programs cost money and not every country is in the strategic position of north korea. If you dont have nukes yet then u just dont have nukes. And u respond to me like im an advocate of nuclear proliferation when im somply stating mere facts. If we dont want a dictatoeship to have nukes we have to stop them before they get it or else he game changes. Why do you think North Korea is a difficult situation? And if u were wondering there is evidence from a game theory point of view thay everyone should have nukes to reduce conflicts. And its lovely u havent responded or probably read what i posted and still trying to make me out to be saying ‘omg this guy wants every dictator to get nukes’ Youre just a horrible poster and debater and i dont get why you ignore everything else and is just hung up on some sort misguided morality that doesnt matter in international relations. Proliferation agreements work because of an international liberal order lead by America who can punish countries like Iraq on a whim but often rogue regimes are rogue and are not part of this system and if I i were North Korea who has China at its doors and US presence and SK in the south, and not much going for me economics wise i too would try to play the long game of acquiring nukes
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9168932/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/a6IjY