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mutombo (9177265)

Title: Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is an action adventure, not RPG (no classes, stats, character creator etc)

Reason: User banned (1 week): sexism, off-topic console war trolling

There is a thread about how Xbox ONe's Always Online was, in hindsight, exactly what happened. But people are all on the disagreeing bandwagon, exclaiming that you want your single player when you want to single player, give us our choice, etc. Even though every console is always online. From makes a single player game and it's AM DISSAPOINT all over the place. People have been "burned out with Souls" for a while now, From makes something new, but everybody walks in with their expectations. Gamers are angry wives who won't talk to you because you forgot to do something, which you didn't even know you had to do in the first place. There is just no pleasing them. Expectations are bad for you in relationships. They're bad for you in general. To be disappointed with something that was never promised in the first place is unhealthy relationship material.

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