Title: EA on the backlash against women in Battlefield V: ‘Accept it or don’t buy the game’
Reason: User banned (1 Week): Saying it is bad taste to include women in a multiplayer game.
Please don't assume that if someone is against this idea, it means he must be a fucking chauvinist pig. I have no problems with women in the Red Army or resistance movements, but regular soldiers in Western forces? I might be ignorant, I have heard about Soviet (go read now), Polish, Yugoslavian female soldiers, but never about British, American or German ones. They served as medics or auxiliary forces, anti-aircraft was as far as they could reach combat. To see women on Western front is just fucking stupid. I will still buy and play the game, because I'm a WWII nerd but I feel that this is done without taste. It almost feels harmful towards the feminist cause, as they do it the wrong way. This that "YEAH PC BRO" from South Park.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9183634/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/aHl8y