Title: EA on the backlash against women in Battlefield V: ‘Accept it or don’t buy the game’
Reason: User Banned (Duration Pending): Dismissing the existence of misogynistic backlash over the game featuring female characters, account still in junior phase.
It's not the inclusion of women that piss people off about BFV. If MGS6 was announced and you played as the Boss/Joy, conducting operations across Normandy, people would be fucking ecstatic. Excluding the situation with Kojima/Konami. Their really isn't a precedent in the BF franchise for the "zanny, quirky humor" that was demonstrated in the trailer. With the exception of the Bad Company series, but than, why not just make Bad Company 3? And I think people do a dis-service to the authenticity of these games for the most part. Their's a difference between authenticity and realism. Being healed by a health pack after eating bullets doesn't change the authenticity of the soldiers on the bf, equipment, vehicles, locations, weapons, etc. This is ww2 and I didn't even know until someone told me after the trailer. Is that not a problem?
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9184492/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/M9lKA