Title: EA on the backlash against women in Battlefield V: ‘Accept it or don’t buy the game’
Reason: User banned (1 Week): Ignoring mod post. Downplaying sexism as just 'some assholes'.
Wait, what point are you trying to make? The first one is from a forum with no upvote/downvoting, so really you just found some assholes, which you can find representing any shitty opinion ever. The second one is an upvoted post celebrating playable women coming to BF1, with the top few comments being positive about it (I didn't read all the way down, I'm sure there will be some shitheads as always). The third one is also not really negative either, the comments seem fine with the inclusion. If I'm missing something here you wanted me to see, please point it out. I do admit I only very briefly skimmed through, perhaps I missed some very awful and sexist upvoted comments. Yep.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9188227/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/Ob0Lh