Title: Kotaku: The Last Of Us Part II’s Violence Is Designed To Be Repulsive
Reason: User Banned (2 Days): Using derogatory language. Previously warned for similar behaviour.
Agree with your assessment. The thing is this: did anyone make a thread to ask about any one of the other aforementioned titles? Movies? TV shows? I've watched TWD, it gets far, far more grotesque than this game, for example. No, they asked about TLOU2 because it was done in a far more measured, but realistic and non-gratuitous way. And that's what makes it more violent appearing. Play music to the background of any movie or game or TV show with violence, it doesn't feel nearly as violent. Suddenly take away the music to any such scene, and your interpretation of said scene changes drastically. That's just an example of how most media takes away the brunt force of what violence really means before showing it. In Spartacus peoples penis and vaginas are everywhere and people are saying cock every 3 seconds and get their penises chopped off, arms chopped off, heads chopped off, characters are regularly doused in the blood of their enemies: However there was no thread about that TV show, because it was done with background music and in a gratuitous way. Kudos to Naughty Dog for demonstrating A) how violent their world is and B) that violence is actually really violent when portrayed as it really should be, and not designed to be "just normal" and with background BGM and sound effects that make it less than it is. People should think about what it means to cut off someone's throat when they see it in a TV show, I'm sorry. If they aren't trying to understand that any of the other times too, that's an audience's own fault as well. That will mean people will be less retarded when they say it's OK we send people to Iraq to get blown up by IEDs. Or you know start another dumb war.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9191389/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/nGgBX