Title: Super Smash Bros Ultimate (New Game, READ THE OP) | Dec 7, EVERY character returns, Ridley confirmed
Reason: User Banned (1 Day): Ignoring multiple modposts not to discuss the port/sequel status of Super Smash Bros Ultimate
It's clearly not a port for other, more easily identifiable reasons, like the differing amounts of content. It's all semantics, ultimately, because a person could view that video and assert it's an enhanced port. It doesn't seem like a series entry out of place in the context of being a fighting game. The 'Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3' or 'Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection' games that expand on the basis of the prior game with changes and content additions. But the enhanced port / new game argument is a dead end, because they can both describe the same thing.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9201952/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/RTNqg