Title: Sylvester Stallone under investigation for sex crimes.
Reason: User Warned: Inflammatory Generalizations about the community
Hey that's not how things work here at ga..... Era , where faux outrage , hysteria and good old hive mentality are the thing not to mention basic arse wiping of mundane life problems run free As for sly well what a shitter if true let's see how things unfold it can only be positive that any or all incidents are brought to the fore no matter the status of the accused it gives hope that things will change across the board it is all too common be it sexual harassment in the work place or outright assault or rape nobody should feel helpless and unable to openly report such behaviour As for the downfall of people's heroes , these people are no different to you or me shitty people exist everywhere and I suppose with no limits to your behaviour above a certain social circle it emboldens and enables people to be shittier don't put blind faith in any other humans based on their achievements as we are all fallible some horrifically so
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9224053/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/3m4xT