Title: Sony's Fortnite crossplay account block is now covered by mainstream press [Sony Responds]
Reason: User Banned (Duration Pending): Repeated instances of console warring and making disruptive posts meant to inflame other users
Im actually glad Sony is doing this. People can cry all they want it wont change the fact that the Playstation has then biggest instal base for Fortnite and Sony has the luxury on picking whether or not they want to share it with others. Playstation is the biggest reason Fornite is as big as it is now. If they want to they will do it, If they dont they wont. No crying from anyone is going to change what they're business decisions. Playstation owners will enjoy the massive base that plays on that system only. While not having to worry about any other base. This is Sony flexing their muscle, how they should when they want. With them providing all of he's wonderful first party games, and not changing all of their games into GaaS, I support their decision. Now This is my opinion, and its for sure not fact. But we all have our own opinions.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9250900/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/QdZ1e