Title: Jim Sterling: Sony is being a complete arse about cross platform play with Switch
Reason: User Warned: Console Warring
Not really. IN a few days it will die down and the other consoles will still have shit games coming out this year, while a sony spidey will get people excited again and forget. Sony isn't going to change their mind until the start of the new generation. They literally have nothing to lose. I mean their console sales aren't going to suddenly go down to 38 and 17 million like their closest competitors are. All of which represents a small but loud group. If you were to listen solely to those bases, no f2p game will be making billions. CoD and BF and BFront would not sell over 6 million copies and yet they do.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9263517/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/vbRaK