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MagicDoogies (9362935)

Title: Harvard Rated Asian-American Applicants Lower on Personality Traits, Suit Says (NY Times) [Read OP]

Reason: User Warned: Off-topic generalizing of racial grievances among various groups.

No one is saying Asians don't face discrimination. But as a black woman some of the most racist fuckers I've met were those of Asian descent. That ONLY started to change for me when I went to college. When I walk into Asian owned stores I'm watched like a criminal, when I go into social spaces I'm either ignored or talked to with hesitation. When it comes to friends the vast majority of them go out of their way to ONLY talk to white people. They take our culture like rap and slang but treat us like shit and call us lazy, etc. And when it comes to hiring they pull even worse shit than white people when they hold the cards to employing you. As far as my experience goes the Asian community only seems to care about white discrimination when it affects them personally but they are more than happy to utilize those same tactics against other ethnic groups (Black/Brown people) when it benefits them. If greatest distress to the Asian community is fucking Harvard and people thinking 'you're too smart' while other ethnic groups worry if Skinhead Redhats and his band of cops will deport and/or kill them first over a turn signal than I'm more than happy to switch places with you.

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