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MagicDoogies (9368191)

Title: Harvard Rated Asian-American Applicants Lower on Personality Traits, Suit Says (NY Times) [Read OP]

Reason: User Banned (3 Days): Continuous racial generalisations despite being warned.

Yeah right. I'm not going to play the game of 'your a bigot because you don't want to understand others bigotry game.' Their close mindedness means that me existing is an uncomfortable experience for them. No amount of understanding culture is going to change the fact that I get the vibes that I'm not generally welcomed in their social circles. And that's just yet another group of people on a long list of groups of people that don't like black people. But whatever. I'm used to it. Happens all the time. Call me fake woke or whatever because I'm fucking tired of basically every fucking group in the planet that isn't black having negative stereotypes about black people and having that excused depending on who it's coming from.

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