Title: FYROM changes its name (end dispute with Greece)
Reason: User banned (72 hours): Presenting and propagating disinformation.
The location the deal was signed is not a coincidence. There in 1949 a surrender was signed between Communists and the Greek goverment. War lasted ftom 1943 to 1949. Communists wanted to establish a Communist Republic of Macedonia in the region. End result: ravaged country, straight after a destructive Nazi occupation and political tensions between left and right for 70 years. Now Civil War has officially ended with just a few wounded. It was their hidden desire for generations it seems. Such decisions are dangerous to be made by one govement. I had a discussion with a colleague today who researched such matters. He himself had Greek relatives who were exiled and Greece did never allow them to return, because their passport had Macedonia as nationality. Because when the authorities in the Iron Curtain asked them what their nationality was, they answered Macedonian. Many died in exile. Another important thing is that many documents and protocols and military documents of that era were officially destroyed,as if to erase that part of history. He had some photocopies of destroyed documents and when he contacted a library they told him to bring those over. They are filled with leftist wing versions of history, so they'd need a few right wing versions too.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9436913/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/XT25l