Title: Kotaku | At E3, SoulCalibur's Objectified Women Felt Like A Relic Of The Past
Reason: User Banned (1 Week): Misogyny.
The character designs look cool, making sexy character designs in a fighting game with no plot does is not an issue (men are treated similarly in the game and everyone is equally as strong), this article has false-just political motivations evident by the laughable implication that a hot girl in a videogame is as dangerous as misinformed medical treatment, and considering multiple people in this thread can’t even spell SoulCalibur I really don’t think the character designs have truly turned off anyone from the game who was truly interested in its mechanics. “But just from seeing the opening scene of this blockbuster fighting game—the moment when a game states its goals, makes its pitch, and reels in its audience—I knew that worming my way into the game’s culture, battling other players and getting competitive would be harder for me, even though I loved the gameplay, the stages, the single-player mode.” Wow. This girl should take some notes from Kayane and understand that busty character designs doesn’t actually make the competition any harder for anyone...except maybe people attracted to women who run this risk of getting distracted mid-battle I guess? Haha, what an article.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9437755/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/bUwse