Title: PS4 owners: if Sony don't change, will you change? (cross platform)
Reason: User Warned: Console warring
Nintendo fans are the worst hypocrites. They have no problem with the anti consumer practices of selling ports for 60$ and measly absolutely shitty first party sales. Meanwhile, Sony offers great sales and 40$ for technically competent high production value remakes like Rachet and Clank and SoTC in addition to high production value first party games. I am quite sure even an AA Sony exclusive like Detroit cost more to make than any game in the Switch first party lineup with the exception of BoTW. That is the real anti consumer bullshit, holding customers hostage by selling low cost games for 60$. And apparently PS4 owners are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9446326/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/6QNjB