Title: Kotaku | At E3, SoulCalibur's Objectified Women Felt Like A Relic Of The Past
Reason: User banned (1 week) for many posts in this thread rationalizing sexism, strawmanning and misrepresenting feminist critique, and dismissing women's concerns.
I'm sorry, but I will defend artistic freedom in this situation. People need to choose their battles wisely. You have the right to not like the artstyle, but to try to make an artist feel guilty for his design choices and forcing him to change it out of fear of a vocal minority attacking him isn't progress, just makes you a jerk. What is this holy grail of female character design anyways that will please everyone? It simply doesn't exist. The artstyle should change by personal choice, not by forced guilt. People also need to realize that this game is made by a Japanese development team. In the Japanese culture these types of artstyles are not a problem.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9447240/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/DDaSY