Title: Kotaku | At E3, SoulCalibur's Objectified Women Felt Like A Relic Of The Past
Reason: User Banned (Duration Pending): Downplaying criticism of gender representation + history of sexism.
it is a game. as long as not ALL women are grossly looking as ivy, iam fine to have someone looking that ugly. i mean, this is a game, it should be treated as one. why is everyone trying to bend even fantasy games into something realistic? i think sometime in the distinct future, people will go bonkers because a woman is able to "create" fire out of her hand. i want realistic stuff as well as something extraordinary, which will boggle my mind. if a game depicts women in a very bad fashion (only girls with big butts and tiddys) this is indeed despicable. but soul calibar has tall, small girls as well as big tiddys and small tiddys. in fact, i dont care about any of that. i just like the variation and soul calibur as another addition to the fgc. anyone out there playing a game only for this purpose is seriously mentally injured. please keep a game a game, dont mix up some genderpolitics into a game.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9450936/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/3gvik