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New Fang (9473060)

Title: Chloe Dykstra Posts About Domestic/Sexual Abuse at the hands of Chris Hardwick

Reason: User Banned (1 Week): Dismissing sexual assault and domestic abuse allegations.

You’re using “leaks” here as if he’s denying it was him. The TMZ story does not suggest they were leaked. It merely says they “obtained” them. Chloe said her initial story was posted “quietly, and unlisted”, as if she was surprised to see it get attention. I thought that was an odd way for her to present things initially, but whatever. His texts do not appear to be “cherry picked”. That appears to be his entire final text he sent her, and then the follow up responses. It’s easy to imagine if that wasn’t an accurate representation of that conversation we’d be seeing that made public from Chloe’s side real fast, don’t you think? While you’re right that his farewell text is mostly about the breakup, it struck me as a mature sounding response to a relationship ending under these circumstances. Of course be brings up her cheating (which she doesn’t deny), but then he devotes an entire paragraph to talking about his own faults, and expresses a desire to learn from it all. Nothing said in all those words gives the impression of a controlling asshole furious that he’s losing his play thing.

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