Title: It's kinda funny how ridiculously early Naruto peaks (spoilers)
Reason: User Warned: Thread whining.
I don't wanna thread whine but... How many Naruto threads has there been that were about how bad the series was, when it got bad, or how much people hate Sasuke? That's all of them. All the Naruto threads. We haven't had a "What's your favorite fight in Naruto?" or "Who's your favorite Naruto character?" or "Who was the best Hokage in Naruto?" The Madara vs Thanos one was different... so there's that. To remain on topic, I don't think there's a point in the manga where I thought 'The story should end here", because I read the manga for Sasuke. And every "the manga should end here" point that people harp about is a moment where the story would've ended without me seeing if Sasuke redeems himself or not. So I was one of the readers who wanted the story to continue until it got to the parts I wanted to see.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9516329/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/EOfxF