Title: Hacker warns against Nintendo Switch Piracy (Consoles get banned)
Reason: User Banned (3 Days): Continuing to advocate and excuse piracy after being warned.
Thats the thing is I don't even pirate I just think its a laughable thing to see people dogpiling on people who do pirate, because if they looked at any study conducted over the past decade they would see their defense and virtue signaling does not help nor hinder sales in any meaningful way and that it peddles a worldview thats more pro corp than pro consumer Edit: also again you contradict yourself if youve pirated other media yet think video games are a sacred form of media that needs to be supported, yet you have no problem downloading an album or movie when convenient; how does that work out?
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9518966/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/2mfVD