Title: Brazilian store is selling flash cards for Switch
Reason: User Banned (3 Days) : Promoting and linking to piracy methods.
Saw this on my Facebook. You just plug a dongle on the USB-C port, then you are able to play ROMs, the games are direct instaled to internal memory. It suports themes, apps like Netflix and emulators, via micro SD cards. There is no mod chips, and you can swap to the original OS any time. The price is like ~40 dollars. Some screens: Crazy thing. I hope Nintendo do something. Edit: I removed the links. And a mod removed a pic with the link to the store. Edit 2: Looks like it uses the SD slot, not the cart one, so the words flash cards on the title are incorrect.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9598692/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/i0Dck