Title: Sony WWS are firing on all cylinders, but Corporate/Systems are asleep at the wheel
Reason: User Banned (1 Week): Inflammatory system wars + comparing opinions about video games to American nationalism
Yup age of trump people If you want something uniquely American bullshitting and spinning is par for the course Microsoft and their pr have frequently played opportunistic cards like with crossplay despite this being one of few factors of an advantage fir them and even at that only superficially so since playstation has had crossplay for a while just not with other consoles An example of bsing.... Who was it who said announcing a console without showing it is one way to do it? And now they've done it twice? Yeah. Microsoft has the American chup on the shoulder more concerned with immediate appearances and image in the moment that American media and fans respond to more but not everyone worldwide and even in us market falls for that Sony has typically taken the clasier approach of not attacking back in response even if people don't like the fortnite issue major cultural differences between the two companies one likes far more to just let their products represent themselves But yea writing a story and spinning a narrative despite the factz is fine but unfortunately under the guise of "opinion" a lot of not very genuine people believe that's actually OK but it isn't Sony and playstation turning around their entire brand and company in the last 5 years and developing syudios over decades and leading the generation on a well planned and executed mosel for games and media apparently means they don't do anything worthwhile behind the scenes? Lol alright Oh and at the same time they launched the best selling VR platform a games streaming service and a TV service make increasingly advanced medical imaging and thei stock has more than doubled in 5 years and tlou2 has the most impressive animation of any game to date gaming wise But yea they don't know what they're doing completely out of touch
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9603053/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/MBBKI