Title: Sony's Fortnite crossplay account block is now covered by mainstream press [Sony Responds]
Reason: User Banned (two weeks): History of bad faith arguments, moving goalposts, to defend a company.
That what I said... Epic choose the easy way to code just an account block instead to handle it in a proper way. Said that the biggest issue with Crossplay for platform holders is the share of the revenue from purchase... that is thing that the developers/publishers will have to find a solution in the middle way where all platform holders get a share to make them accept Crossplay. While they didn’t reach a consensus for all parts Crossplay won’t work in a business sense. But that is another talk not related to the account block... that is on Epic side to fix the things.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9603317/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/pAqr3