Title: Fewer Births Than Deaths Among Whites in Majority of U.S. States
Reason: User warned: Accusing someone of lying about their race without evidence.
You don’t have to lie about your color to make this stupid point about “self hating whites” Those people are just “free thinkers”, you’d say if they were any other color. Really, white people making those kinds of comments that directly state an interest in declining facism and actual fucking racism don’t need your “black friend” disapproval because you want to switch places with them or some bullshit Exactly. “Hispanics” are largely white and have been waiting to join full whiteness like the Irish did before they were seen as white. We’re going to start see “Eurasians” become a big thing too. Other groups will definitely take the bones thrown their way to join the privileged Plenty of front runners who will gladly join the majority to keep everyone else down. If the same systems are in place, the rest of us won’t be gaining as much as we should.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9608647/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/xHCwE