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Real Hero (9677666)

Title: Waluigi is an Alt-Right, Incel, Internet Troll Weirdo

Reason: User Banned (Duration Pending): Creating a troll thread, accumulated infractions for trolling.

I've been thinking a lot about Waluigi recently and I've realised he has basically influenced the behaviour of the modern alt right internet movement and represents it perfectly. Think about it. Wario is clearly a libertarian. He doesn't care about anything other than money. Detestable but understandable on some level. What's Waluigi deal? He's got no clear role and or function within society so he probably spends too much time on the internet annoying people like how he annoys people in real life by simply being around them. He's self pitying. He whines like he's the victim despite clearly being an agent of chaos and spreading discord. Also, he hates women. Mario has Peach, Luigi has Daisy and Wario even has a hot and heavy thing going on with that pirate he robbed once. Waluigi has pushed everyone away due to his attitude, he has nobody this is evidently the cause of his terrible attitude. Clearly, an incel lifestyle results in being an annoying idiot like Waluigi. He's probably tried to spike Toadette's drink at one of the Mario Party's too that sick fuck. #meetoo Also have you ever seen Waluigi hanging around a black person? No, you haven't. Really makes you think what this guys real opinions are huh? Basically, if you really think about it Waluigi represents every wrong with todays politics and internet culture. So even liking this fucker ironically is the same as voting for Donald Trump. Do you agree?

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