Title: Sony's Fortnite crossplay account block is now covered by mainstream press [Sony Responds]
Reason: User Banned (Duration Pending): System-warring + Trolling. History of similar infractions.
"I truly believe however, that those pro-gamer decisions were only possible by being the market leader, and by a healthy margin." I believe MS did not really build any studios this generation nor significantly increase first party output because they were in an underdog position and financially constrained (yeah yeah MS War Chest TM, I meant by management). Sony would not make those gambles if they were not the defacto platform; which means getting more royalties due to higher number of multiplat titles being sold. I am really sorry if you guys cannot understand how for Sony having friends buy a PS4 to play each and every single game instead of buying a competitors console and buying games there, helps them financially then I cannot help you. Not everything you cannot understand has to be a meme. From your perspective, theoretical physics have to be a meme as well, amirite?
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9711134/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/QRA0r