Title: Sony's Fortnite crossplay account block is now covered by mainstream press [Sony Responds]
Reason: User Warned: Antagonizing other users
You should’ve lead with that, lol. Don’t know where you got the Switch numbers for birthday gifts but whatevs.. 40% of the 17 million is around 7 million owners that also have PS4s. The last Fortnite Switch numbers were 2 million (?) and growing (per Reggie right? Around the peak). So, yea.. still missing some numbers. But there is still the question of how many of those Fortnite Switch owners actually had psn accounts to crossover. I feel what you are saying, no doubt. But you just ant post anything as facts. Alls I’m saying.. I love the PlayStation brand. But I never once said that the account lock thing was anything other than fucked up. I don’t need to look in the mirror, my profile is open to anyone that wants a look. If you had, you’d seen me just post in an Xbox thread where Forza 3 might be in gamepass soon and how it would get me to resub. I’m literally playing on my Xbox right now as I type this. I’m a fanboy of games in general as I prefer it to other mediums. I like to shake stuff up. Contest people and their theories to see if they can back their claims up. If I get out of line I’ll rightfully apologize without questions and don’t have problems taking an L. I hate one sided arguments, so if thats all you want to see is people shit on one another, then scream “ Sony account block” as a defense then maybe you should look in the mirror, bud.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9742447/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/0VjuL