Title: Why Nintendo is not investing ( buying or acquiring ) in more studios ?
Reason: User Warned: "Lazy Devs" argument.
Nintendo's management is just uninterested, unambitious, and frankly, lazy. In the field of strategic management, they're the classic case of the company gifted with exclusive resources. Nintendo is in possession of resources that are rare, valuable, difficult to imitate, and costly to substitute. That is, they have their IP and their well-known brand. This allows their management to be lazy and still get their incentive-based bonuses. It's the equivalent of owning the best stretch of beach on an island resort, it means you don't have to work as hard or provide as good a service as the hotel on the crappy side of the island. Building new studios or acquiring them and onboarding them? That's like, a lot of work. So much work.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9748198/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/o22ia