published on

Torres (9755324)

Title: Raging white woman assaults black boy at pool — and then bites the cop who came to arrest her

Reason: User Banned (1 Week): Downplaying racism.

Ok, I was going to piece out, but this is the dumbest fuckin post I've ever read so I'll elaborate. I'm not outlining a cause-and-effect chart. White people don't go hard life->poor->beating black children. Don't be reductive. What I am saying is that these things are obviously related, all these -isms are deeply intertwined with poverty, no matter their race. Bigotry is ingrained by the environment, and distress (often economic) provides an impetus for someone to act on those ugly biases. This isn't an excuse for people to be shitty, When I was homeless, I definitely was more irritable and thoughtless. Poverty drops people's IQ by up to 13 points because it's so stressful. I was so distressed that I was convinced that if I needed to rob people for food I would. It's a white women, in South Carolina, one of the poorest in the nation, a place with a ravaged economy, who is working a bullshit job in a ponzi scheme. It's a recipe for disaster. Just because she's white doesn't mean we can ignore the systemic issue that create her transgression. You don't need to feel sorry for this lady, you don't need to empathize with her, hell you can relish the fact that she'll probably spend some time in prison for the cop-biting if anything. You don't even need to feel any need for reconciliation white the white working class. Racism is I just do not personally find the glib attitude with which people dismiss white suffering on the basis of social power structures appealing, plus the fact that it's obviously profitable for these companies to incite this racial division, and pointing that out shouldn't be controversial. Although starting off as I did was probably equally unproductive it is what it is. edit: The poor white persons struggle is inseparable from the poor black persons struggle in the South.

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