Title: Waypoint: CDPR Won't Commit to Gender Fluidity in ‘Cyberpunk 2077’ (Yet)
Reason: User permanently banned: dismissing gender fluid people, long history of prior infractions.
I'll tell you why. Because CDPR is the only still pure high profile developer and gamers have become so damn entitled that they're ready to witch Hunt even them for not doing an insignificant thing that won't deermined whether the game is good or not and is probably much more hard to do than it's worth. Like, you say it's just about switching pronouns automatically. That... Doesn't happen in real life. People WILL react to you changing your genre as you go along. And such, for the fluidity not being window dressing they'll have to implement literal thousands of different reactions to recurrent characters. And calling people "they" is not a thing. As I said, if they do that, awesome, but if they decide it's not worth the hassle in a game that already offers a never before seen scope, it's totally acceptable and not a reason to call them "regressists" or whatever. Nice bait tho. Happy pride month,
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9763283/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/VojWQ