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Dreams-Visions (9776009)

Title: Justice Anthony Kennedy Will Retire From U.S Supreme Court

Reason: User banned (3 days): engaging another user with unnecessary hostility. Telling another user to "kiss the tip of [your] dick" is highly inappropriate.

This is definitely by and large on white voters who voted for him by and large and continue to be the 38% or so that Stan for him in polls. That being said fuck the rest of your post, bro. Dems might need to care more and do more, but Republicans don't give a single, solitary fuck about you and haven't since the fucking 40s when your parents weren't a twinkle in THEIR parents eyes and are doing their very best to fuck you and the people you care about. Dems aren't perfect for fucking sure but these mothafucking Republicans are LITERALLY WORKING TO TAKE AWAY YOUR ABILITY TO VOTE with years of efforts or restrict when and where you can vote and gerrrymander to make your vote matter less. Republicans are literally working hard to keep your people locked up longer. Republicans are the ones masturbating at the prospect of stripping away Affirmative Action and getting rid of uppity negroes who might want to protest police brutality. So you're going to have to pardon me this one time if I crassly suggest that embryonic, nearsighted mentalities like yours can actually just kiss the tip of my dick. It's this same nearsightedness that has us here now. See the fucking Forrest for the trees in the future, my brother. Failing to do so is how generations get fucked.

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