Title: IGN: How The Last of Us Remains a Masterpiece 5 Years Later
Reason: User Banned (2 days): Thread policing, dismissing other users opinions. Ignoring mod instructions.
I really don't think your criticism, if you can call it that, added anything of substance to the thread. Exemplified by the fact that your post bemoaning people wanting to keep things "positive" outnumber those about the game 7:1. Not that I'm better in that particular case, but you get my point. And in regards to the asshole thing, it's not so much that you're an asshole, but rather that the act of purposefully going into a thread about something you have nothing but bad things to say about is an assholeish thing to do. Like, seriously. Imagine if this discussion were to happen in real life. Could be about anything. Would you seriously like it when people constantly come up with the most superficial reasons to not like something? Like, just people sharing the opinion "I don't like it"? Do you really see any merit in that? If so, I'd love to know what exactly it is. Because personally, I think negative people are annoying as hell, and find no merit in the mere act of sharing what you don't like about something. And I don't see why that needs to be different on a message board. TLOU is a great game that a lot of people love. That doesn't mean that everyone needs to love it, or even like it at all, because even the greatest things have their detractors. If you have some insightful criticism, great, share it, and let's discuss it. But is "plays clunky, enemy AI issues, pacing issues, best part is the beginning, ending is a design failure" that? That genuinely looks like you had 20 seconds while on the shitter, and you had to hurry to get your negative opinion in. Again, is this you wanting to engage in meaningful conversation? Did this really NEED to be said? Bottom line to anything though, what's wrong with having one thread just celebrating the positive things about something?
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9797611/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/38M6T