Title: Twitter Explodes After Homeland Security Headline Appears to Mimic ’14-Words’ Neo-Nazi Slogan
Reason: User Banned (Duration Pending): Peddling conspiracy theories. Thread derailment.
It's one of the pizza places in the conspiracy. An alleged secret pedophile hangout, frequented by high-level Democrats. The FBI says that's a pedophile symbol, it's clearly in the pizza joint's logo. Some people see evidence of a conspiracy, reasonable people see coincidence. See the parallel to this thread? *sigh* "You guys" was the term the other person used. Pretty vague term: why do you pretend it applies specifically to this forum, and not "conspiracy-minded internet liberals" in general? If you put in half as much effort trying to understand what others are saying as you do looking for secret Nazi codes you'd save me a lot of effort. And to be clear: it's also not "David Duke is responding directly to hours of entertainment." (but it's only one hour after he saw it! checkmate!) It's "David Duke is responding to a brewing Twitterstorm and is now entertained by the rubes that bought into it." Again: the fact that Nazis are taking credit is not evidence that it's a post by a cryptofascist, it's evidence Twitter nazis love watching and contributing to shitstorms.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9834201/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/UmXd7