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Stealthy Cockatrice (9838460)

Title: A more important thing to have in Cyberpunk

Reason: User Banned (Duration Pending): Making a thread to mock representation concerns. Prior infractions for similar behaviour.

With all the news and huge/ridiculous expectations from everyone regarding Cyberpunk, that it lacks this and that, I personally think one of the most important things in a pure RPG, that I havent seen yet implemented, or not properly, is the need to go to the toilet. Wouldnt it be "nice" if you're in a dangerous mission and you just need to poop so hard, that it fails the mission just because you didnt take care of that need before starting the mission? Seriously though, if theres an eating/drinking mechanic, why shouldnt there be a toilet needs mechanic as well? What do you think ERA? Are there any examples of such a mechanic in games? I think Postal 2 had the pissing thing which was kinda funny.

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