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Maurice Hamblin (9838982)

Title: Former White Supremacist hosting an AMA on Reddit (Read OP)

Reason: User Banned (5 Days): Tone policing reactions to racism.

You're all speaking in hypotheticals and it's very strange. As a POC, I get asked constantly "what can I do to help" and I recently learned how useless that question is. It puts the onus on the victim to come up with a way for you to be an "ally". It's also a way for you to feel good about yourself since hey... you tried. Instead, ask yourself another question: "What do I WANT to do?" Which leads me to my next question. Do you WANT to fight? And when I say "want" I mean "are you willing"? Have you ever? I'm gonna go out on a limb and say most of you can't/won't. Because either you can't fight or you're too weak or afraid. And since that's the case for 99% of you: what the fuck are you arguing here exactly? You're sitting on a message-board arguing about some hypothetical situation where you likely won't punch a Nazi. You're not being helpful, you're not dismantling anything, you're not DOING anything. And I'm not only speaking to white people here either by the way. What the fuck are you doing other than discrediting this man on a message-board arguing with a bunch of people you'll never meet? If you aren't doing anything then you aren't being helpful. This man just told you that people use Overwatch and message-boards to recruit and incite. This doesn't bother you?! You're ON a fucking message-board. You likely play this game online. These are your spaces and your communities. People that are interacting with your friends and potentially your families in a space that you frequent and have some say in. And your first fucking inkling is to say "we need to be violent?". Again: YOU'RE NOT GOING TO FUCKING FIGHT... so why the fuck are you even bringing it up?! If you're not willing to fight then do something else. Do something that you're capable of. If you want to fight then by all means fight. But if you're not going to do either one then what the fuck use are you? Reading this thread has been so incredibly infuriating because you're all just talking out of your ass advocating for something you'll NEVER FUCKING DO. You're advocating for someone else to do the dirty work. You want someone else to fight. You want the guy/girl next to you to throw hands. Yea you'll cheer them on when you see the video but what the fuck else are you doing? I'm not gonna stay in this shit ass thread to "argue" this but I'll just ask you to ask yourself what the hell are you willing to actually do to help dismantle this shit. I've been asking myself this a lot recently. From what I can see, this man has done more for the cause than you and I ever did or likely ever will. Take a very long look in the mirror here and ask yourself what you're actually capable of or willing to do and stop speaking in hypotheticals. Ask yourself what spaces you're in and what positions of power/influence you hold where you can actually do some good. Otherwise shut the fuck up.

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