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Serenity Lotus (9862706)

Title: Todd Howard blames Sony for no cross play in Fallout 76

Reason: User Warned: Concern trolling over crossplay

The issues surrounding console cross-play on the few games pushing for it isn't at all the same. If you wish to be reductive in your understanding then so bid. Btw, I am not even siding with Sony on their policy. :) As another poster replied to me with, (paraphrasing here) F76 is a new area for Bethesda. This could be a multitude of technical issues. We just don't know because Howard simply blames Sony for it. I am not even saying that ultimately Sony would just allow console cross-play for F76. Would be silly for all the issues surrounding the other games. I am just saying that (for me at least) the issues with F76 not having cross-play even if Xbox/PC only is more complicated than just Sony being the jackoffs as they have been. To be clear, I am also not saying people should lessen the pressure on Sony for their ass backwards policy.

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