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TheSantry (9865883)

Title: Todd Howard blames Sony for no cross play in Fallout 76

Reason: User warned: Console war rhetoric

This is purely business. As long as Sony continues to absolutely slaughter Microsoft in terms of install base, they will not budge on cross-play with Live. Sony is totally fine with cross-play with PC. It’s simply more beneficial to Microsoft at the moment if PSN and Live allow cross-play. Playing online w/ your friends is a selling point for PS as long as PS remains market leader. It’s an anti-consumer practice, but it makes perfect business sense. I’d love to play with Live players on PSN but I don’t see it happening ever. Even if MS becomes market leader next gen, MS would then block cross-play to keep the online selling point. I know this because MS did this with the 360. It’s not surprising that Bethesda is quick to call Sony out since they have a history of favoring MS (co-marketing on every major release and previous exclusive content) and ignoring issues w/ their PS games (Skyrim PS3 neglect). It’s funny to see people blaming Sony (or any single company for that matter) for a core flaw with the politics of online console gaming. Keep fighting the good fight console warriors.

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