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Corrik (9873522)

Title: Meanwhile in Canada: Restaurant Manager Fired For Refusing Trump Supporter

Reason: User Banned (Duration Pending): Downplaying racism. History of similar behaviour.

I just do not feel that hat is actually a symbol of hate. If it was a swastika or a white hood or so on, absolutely I agree with you. Those are universal symbols of hate. I just do not agree that this is a symbol of that. I just feel it is a hat that represents Trump's presidency and his campaign slogan. And, yes, I understand you feel Trump is a racist and a bigot. Also that he is abrasive and thus many dislike him due to his stances towards their countries and so on. I just so not think this is actually a symbol of hate and that it warranted this reponse. Same with the restaurant in Florida where a similar thing happened. If the customer was being an asshole, yeah boot him. If he is spreading hate via universally accepted hate symbols or regalia, yeah boot him. This just personally does not pass my personal opinion of a hate symbol.

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