Title: Todd Howard blames Sony for no cross play in Fallout 76
Reason: User banned (48 hours): Concern trolling.
Again, at what point did I ignore Sony in all of it? Can you answer that? Where did I not mention Sony when it was needed? You do need to have some sort of basis to back up your claims on, not what you game development to be like. Using any kind of existing example to show where your claims are coming from is a hell of a lot better than "well maybe's" based on absolutely nothing. You're baker example is looking at something at surface level, so it's a poor comparison, at best. Where did I say He may just be using them as a convenient scapegoat, that's entirely possible. I however, am not saying that's the case, simply is a possibility. Doesn't mean he hates Sony if that's somehow what happened. Todd Howard may have never been serious about including crossplay to begin with. I can get that impression because he said absolutely nothing about crossplay on the other platforms that do allow it. Hence why he's "holding off on a specific feature if the far-and-away market leader doesn't allow it on their platform" is not the impression I get from the info in the OP.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9960920/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/NaLtq