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Icarus (9981980)

Title: Denmark harsh new laws for non white non Christians

Reason: User Banned (5 Days): Downplaying discrimination against minorities, dismissing racism.

What exactly is racist about it? Is it targeting a race specifically? From where I stand it’s targeting foreign people living in their country. Secondly I’m not even going to bother to argue on your “wealthier white” comment. By brandishing terms like that is just adding fuel on to the fire, the moment you highlight a race colour is the moment you’re allowing racism to exist. Lets just stick with the facts that it’s targeting foreign people which it is. Granted the term “Ghetto” is stupidly dumb but I sincerely doubt that is the official term used by their Government and that this article is designed to label them like that to exactly cause this kind of outcome and ultimately more clicks.

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