Title: Switch owners, how would you rate Capcom's support?
Reason: Member has been banned (24h): makes a claim and fails to provide evidence. Continues with console warring despite having been warned multiple times for it.
I mean the original leaker confirmed as much and if that wasn't enough according to Spencer this "marketing deal" which likely prohibited a Switch version of the game was enough to also keep the game off Xbox until Spencer stepped in and counter offered with helping popularize the franchise worldwide. Both of these things confirm to me what I already suspected about Sony trying to pull the strings behind the scenes, but you can choose to remain naive if it suits your view. I've followed this industry long enough to know Sony plays dirty and is the driving force behind stopping crossplay, holding accounts hostage, pushing for timed exclusive marketing, content and dlc and any manor of anticonsumer/anti industry practices to further themselves.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/9982549/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/JqKad