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BBboy20 (1593187)

Title: Easy Allies |OT| The New Era

Red Text: yeah...

Being compared to an oaktree has a hellvu impact. You know what, maybe you would have had a point...if Donald J. Trump wasn't elected President of the United States. Turns out, even this far in the twenty-first century, even with history and evidence at your finger tips, even with voices differentiate even further: if you have the right personality (because what 45 has isn't charm), bigotry can be enough to hand you nuclear weapons. When "and some are good people" isn't enough to bring the fear of god into those who could have easily gone to the polls and 62, 984, 825+ Americans were not revolted by that comment, it becomes really apparent millions of Americans really want those who are not white, straight, male, abled to stay in their current social class, banished from this country, or simply die. You see, this is about the destructive nature of prejudice and all of it that entails and within this focal point called "gaming", just from GamerGate to (perhaps) 45 up to now with Colin, it has been a "fascinating" experience on how horrendous your fellow citizens can actually become even with digesting the most blatant of behaviors. Colin being insensitive to one's identity is not an island. Add in the spotlight that Colin has and it has potential reinforcement of the idea that, ultimately, disenfranchised citizens' concerns & existences are not worth anything, not even thought. Rather Colin intentionally does this or not, it does not change the fact that he is hanging around the same rotten tree that enables those who actually went out and burned crosses in front of the houses of black families. So, when the marginalized alone see the stuff Colin been spouting that makes him a horrible human being, they're being reminded that their homenland wants them down, gone, and/or dead; that their cries are being shut down through his idiotic and (perhaps) malicious comments. So, when the why we're here mingles with someone who blatantly contributes (intentionally or not) to those ideologies, those concerned community members are going to worry about about such a contribution validating what wants to them. And if anybody here who keep spouting that this is about opinions after all of this, let alone in the past, maybe, two weeks now, I don't know what else to tell you (if you're actually ignorant instead of a troll) but other then actually try to step into the shoes of those who were insulted by Colin's inflammatory words (let alone harassed by his fans). Also just in: Colin's latest tweet implies that non-whites do the most rioting so

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