Title: Marvel Cinematic Universe | We robbed you. Do you remember? That's us
Red Text: Thor
The Black Order is gonna be the best thing about Infinity War. That, and Thor meeting up with the Guardians. I just finished . And it continues to be a personal favorite of mine. I love the music that enhances the emotion of a few of these scenes with its piano. And I feel like it’s the movie that portrays Asgard best. It is a stunning place when they place us on the ground to take it all in. The vistas of the universe is mesmerizing, the golden architecture of their buildings. The clothing that truly express this is a fantasy film. It’s not one of the prettiest, but it still got its moments. I wish his mother was more of a warrior, and could have stood up for herself though, instead of mostly standing by as the support character that she is. The Warriors Three are fine, and I like how the dwarf tells his stories. Of course they could have done more with them, as I didn’t care much for them in Ragnarok. I didn’t mind the Earth segments. I actually think they were fine, and the relationship that grew between Thor and Jane felt real, mostly because of who Natalie sells her character. I like the Shield and larger MCU connection, but it did grow a little long in the tooth when they turned up again at the Destroyer fight. They could have maybe cut it down a bit, as we almost forgot about Asgard somewhere around the end of the second, and start of third act. I used to have a problem with the Destroyer, but how he was portrayed was fine too. It was just that the third act fight was not grand or a spectacle in any way. The action in general was pretty subdued, with a few punches here and kicks there. That said, I had forgotten, that Kenneth Branagh actually did showcase some of that Thor power. He get to spin around his hammer against the Jotuns, he did get to use a little lightning, and he did get to fly. He even flew through the Giant Frost monster similarly to how he did it in Ragnarok. I think, his power was showcased better in Thor, than in any of the Avengers movies, which is where they depowered him. To me, Thor is in many ways, the silent warrior. It kind of feels like a small movie, maybe it’s the New Mexico town that feels like a small set, but its heart is big, and it shows in some of the performances by Natalie, and Anthony Hopkins, and Tom Hiddleston. He was great here, and I loved how his character was so deceitful, and how he multiple times would lie to get his will, and set up things. It was Loki as Loki he can be. It’s funny how time can get you forget. I had totally forgotten his Jotun connection, and I liked that arc of his that they had set up. And while the Shield stuff may have outstayed it’s welcome a little, the Earth scenes managed despite of that thanks to the humor and levitaty of Thor coming to grips with a new world. It had a nice balance of that levity and seriousness, and stroke that chord better than many other of our movies.
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