Title: Reset Era Players Present: Reign of Fear -- A D&D 5e Play-By-Post Campaign
Red Text: If you want to play a PbP game, PM me for an invite to our Discord server.
We currently have 6 players, which past experience would seem to indicate is pretty much the maximum these games can reasonably handle. Obviously, we're not the gatekeepers of who can get a game going, but it's a handy way to get everyone interested into the same room and organize one if nothing else.This my first crack at DMing a campaign of any sort, let alone a PbP one or a 5e one. I’ve been a longtime player of our past PbP campaigns and a regular contributor to the Creative Writing Challenge community, so I’m fairly confident I can at least spin a serviceable yarn.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/562075/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/wL4XI