Thread: AT&T and Time Warner are set to merge
Comcast already owns Universal pictures
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Thread: AT&T and Time Warner are set to merge
Superhero films mean jack shit compared to the overall scale of these mergers. And you forgot about Sony.
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Thread: AT&T and Time Warner are set to merge
Last year, Universal + Fox were $9B worldwide compared to Disney's $6.5B. Let's not cherry pick Marvel having a good 4 months domestically in the first half of 2018 as some proof that Buena Vista dwarfs the other two combined, because it doesn't.
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Thread: AT&T and Time Warner are set to merge
That would have to be a straight merger that both parties want, since Verizon isn't much bigger than Disney. They can't buy them out like Comcast can Fox.
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Thread: Resetera's Top 100 Essential RPGs - Voting stage running until July 22nd!
It looks great though! Dragon Quest IV seems to be getting a lot of love this year. It should end up making the final list, I think.
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Thread: Cosmic Star Heroine coming to Nintendo Switch in August (Digital + Physical)
I somehow missed this announcement. Congrats !
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Thread: Community Spotlight:PC Gaming Era|July 2018-Where the Duffs are Whales and the Slashes are Grizzlies
For those interested, we are currently voting on the first ERA Essential RPG thread. For whatever reason, this year's voting seems to be more console skewed than was typical pre-move, so I am hoping fans of PC classics will add their opinion into the mix. We are also having a raffle for those who participate. I haven't updated the raffle prize list yet, but it includes $25 in Amazon credit, along with some steam keys (I know that Dark Souls 3 is in there). If you enjoy RPGs and have a few minutes to vote, please do so here: Maybe your recommendation will get someone to try something new.
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Thread: Which genres have stagnated the most?
The majority of replies in threads like these always seems to point to the real answer being "The one that I haven't bothered to play in 10-20 years"
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Thread: My boss used a racial slur in rapid succession yesterday.
The fact that Disney has no issues re-releasing Dumbo, but pretends that Song of the South doesn't exist sort of tells you how racist it is.
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Thread: Resetera's Top 100 Essential RPGs - Voting stage running until July 22nd!
Sounds good. Thanks! Yes. I haven't started looking at any of the lists for completion yet. At some point in the next week, I will make a google doc listing those who are eligible for free stuff.
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Thread: Resetera's Top 100 Essential RPGs - Voting stage running until July 22nd!
If someone wants to pitch in to the creation of this thread's final list, and doesn't mind PMing participants, I have a slightly tedious job that will really speed up how fast I (and others) will be able to deliver on the end product. Basically, a handful of people have either neglected to include a ballot for our vote parsing, or else formatted their ballot wrong. I am hoping to find someone willing to create ballots for these posters and PM the ballot to them so that they can be edited into their posts. It would also be nice to have someone PM people who started, but didn't finish lists (a few people have <5 games up) maybe 48 hours before the close of voting to give them a reminder to finish up. If you have some free time, and wouldn't mind handling this work, shoot me a PM. Everyone who pitches in will get credit for their work. Awesome first post. Welcome!
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Thread: Resetera's Top 100 Essential RPGs - Voting stage running until July 22nd!
Are you around on the Thursday or Friday? Some sort of reminder before voting closes would be great. It can be 3-4 days before the end instead of 2 if that works better.
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Thread: The world building in A Song of Ice and Fire is insane. Other series that are this good?
The scope of the Malazan books is pretty crazy. However, it's one of those unfortunate series that peaks in the middle. Book 1 is rough. Book 9 and 10 were a bit of a letdown. My favourite stuff was mostly in books 4-8. I haven't read Wheel of Time yet, but I hear that it has the opposite problem. ASOIAF starts strong, which helps.
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Thread: Resetera's Top 100 Essential RPGs - Voting stage running until July 22nd!
I think that we are around 90 votes so far, which is a good start! We need at least double that for a well rounded top 100 though, so hopefully many more people plan to participate in coming days. A few people have offered to donate game keys to our raffle, including Dark Souls 3. I will be updating the list of raffle prizes in the next few days. Remember, if you want to qualify for the raffle (which will include Amazon credit, game keys, and whatever else people wish to contribute), you will need to submit a list of at least 5 titles with full explanations justifying your choices. I am noticing a decent amount of Panzer Dragoon Saga love. I will also be voting for that game when I revise my personal list. It's too bad that the price keeps that game from reaching a wider audience. It was definitely one of the highlights of the 32/64bit generation.
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Thread: Resetera's Top 100 Essential RPGs - Voting stage running until July 22nd!
Yes, minimum of 5 write-ups. I want to encourage the people who put in effort. They don't have to be particularly long write ups though. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 seems to be getting a lot of votes so far.
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Thread: Kevin Feige: "there are secret vaulted doors that lead to what we’ll be doing between now and 2024"
BP 2 and 3 will be two of those slots. Even if they do a third spidey, there are a lot of spots open assuming 3 a year (and that could be bumped to 4 if Marvel wanted to) 2020-2024 is at least 15 movies. Let's assume Widow and Eternals get made. Those plus BP 2-3, GotG3, Doctor Strange 2, a third Spider-Man, and a fourth Thor would be 8 films. Add in a third Doctor Strange, and a Cap Marvel sequel, and there is still a bunch of question marks.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 7•6-8•18 - Ant-Man gains a partner. Still opens to sub Solo numbers.
We are a bit more than half way through the year. Here's my report card for the 2018 releases that I have seen to date: Paddington 2: A- Black Panther: A- Infinity War: B+ Incredibles: B+ Game Night: B+ Deadpool 2: B A Quiet Place: B Isle of Dogs: B Ant-Man and the Wasp: B- Solo: C+ Hotel Artemis: C Ready Player One: C Sicario 2: D Peter Rabbit: D Tied ranks are generally listed in the order that I would rank them within said category. I guess that Hotel Artemis has my award for lowest grossing film that I caught in theatres this year. That will probably change as we move out of blockbuster season. I typically see a film every second Friday, not counting some stuff I go with my daughter to, and I have been spending (and sometimes wasting) those slots on bigger films. I am hoping to see Sorry to Bother You this Friday and Mission Impossible 6 later this month. I have a 4 year old, so there is some chance that I will be stuck seeing Hotel Transylvania 3 as well.
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Thread: Resetera's Top 100 Essential RPGs - Voting stage running until July 22nd!
The Trails games should definitely be counted separately. I am not sure about that second pair, as I have never played them. Generally direct sequels (like the Xenosaga games or Trails) should be separate entries. If we had something more similar to the various Telltale games series (where one game is split into a bunch of parts), than those would count as a single entry.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 7•6-8•18 - Ant-Man gains a partner. Still opens to sub Solo numbers.
Doctor Strange opened to $85M.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 7•6-8•18 - Ant-Man gains a partner. Still opens to sub Solo numbers.
No. It's looking like $575Mish to me. Outside shot at $600M, but Hotel Transylvania 3 will probably stop that.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 7•6-8•18 - Ant-Man gains a partner. Still opens to sub Solo numbers.
I just meant domestically. Worldwide is already well past that, and will easily clear $1B
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 7•6-8•18 - Ant-Man gains a partner. Still opens to sub Solo numbers.
It is
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 7•6-8•18 - Ant-Man gains a partner. Still opens to sub Solo numbers.
Incredibles 2 is over $500M domestic, and is already the highest grossing animated film ever domestically. What's to learn there?
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 7•6-8•18 - Ant-Man gains a partner. Still opens to sub Solo numbers.
I originally didn't think that Marvel would do an Ant-man 2, so keep that in mind. But I don't think that Marvel will do an Ant-man 3 :P They can stick him and Wasp into something else, Ragnarok style.
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Thread: UCLA professor dies in 'mummification' ritual at Hollywood executive's home
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Thread: NES Classic returning June 29
You get 30 games legally on a platform that requires no set up, with classic control pads that can be used on the Wii and Wii U. That's all there is to it. Let's move on from this.
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Thread: Straight Men of ERA: Wearing Pink
I have always disliked the warm end of the color spectrum for myself. The darker your complexion, the better stuff like pink and yellow looks on you imo. I am on the lighter side of things, and mostly prefer shades from the cooler side of the color spectrum. I will wear lavender, but not pink.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 7•6-8•18 - Ant-Man gains a partner. Still opens to sub Solo numbers.
BP grosses are so small at this point that one or two double feature theatres could have caused that bump.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 7•6-8•18 - Ant-Man gains a partner. Still opens to sub Solo numbers.
It will probably depend if it any of that follows through to Doc Strange 2. If it's off doing its own thing like Ant-Man and the Wasp seems to be doing, the bump might not be all that large.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 7•6-8•18 - Ant-Man gains a partner. Still opens to sub Solo numbers.
The difference being that Ant-Man cost about 55% of Solo, and will make a couple hundred million more worldwide. Ant-Man and the Wasp isn't really suffering. B-tier Marvel makes cash because those films come with B-tier price tags. Solo was a $300M film. Ditto with Justice League.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 7•6-8•18 - Ant-Man gains a partner. Still opens to sub Solo numbers.
They counterbalanced that by giving the other white male lead a mustache.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 7•6-8•18 - Ant-Man gains a partner. Still opens to sub Solo numbers.
Saturday increases were poor across the board. Friday still had some July 4th vacation padding.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 7•6-8•18 - Ant-Man gains a partner. Still opens to sub Solo numbers.
This is ResetEra's weekend box office thread. While the OP focuses on the popular weekend tallies, we typically discuss box office throughout the week as well when notable films are playing. New threads are are posted each Sunday morning, between 8-10am PST. *Click the chart to view the full source Ant-Man - $161M Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom - $1.059B The Incredibles - $773M Solo - $380M More worldwide numbers will be added soon
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 7•6-8•18 - Ant-Man gains a partner. Still opens to sub Solo numbers.
Deadline is saying 600-800 venues next weekend for Sorry to Bother You, so we will know pretty quickly if the wider moviegoing audience wants to see it.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 7•6-8•18 - Ant-Man gains a partner. Still opens to sub Solo numbers.
South Korea really likes the MCU While the domestic opening is on the lower end of expectations, $85M is higher than I would have expected overseas.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 7•6-8•18 - Ant-Man gains a partner. Still opens to sub Solo numbers.
The only Phase 2 and 3 MCU openings lower than Solo were the Ant-Men.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 7•6-8•18 - Ant-Man gains a partner. Still opens to sub Solo numbers.
Meanwhile in China, the dramady "Dying to Survive" just opened to $200M (including about $15M in early previews that happened over the past week). That film will likely break $600M in China. That would make it by far the highest grossing dark comedy ever.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 7•6-8•18 - Ant-Man gains a partner. Still opens to sub Solo numbers.
THR was just wrong. The film opened on a Thursday. The previews were before that in limited venues in said cities. Saturday and Sunday were both over $57M, topping the equivalent days for WW2. Audience reviews are extremely strong (and people in China actually follow those, as opposed to here where it's just fanboy wars). EDIT: but it does look like I misremembered the preview total prior to Thursday. It was closer to $25M.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
To be less handwavy, below is a table listing what percentage of their final domestic total TLJ and Solo hit on their 1st-5th weekend, assuming a $215M finish for Solo.Solo had better late legs than TLJ, despite being more frontloaded at the beginning. Mostly because grosses are spread out over the winter holidays. Solo ended up having a typical Memorial Day run for a big film, while TLJ had the most frontloaded Late December run for a big film to date.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
Skyscraper and Hotel Transylvania. Between the two, Ant-Man is likely losing all of its premium screens.
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Thread: Resetera's Top 100 Essential RPGs - Voting stage running until July 22nd!
Welcome to the inaugural version of Resetera's Essential RPGs List! We are currently in the voting phase of this list and depend on ERA community support to deliver as strong an end-product as possible. Ultimately, the Essential RPG thread is meant to be a tool to help people find great games that they might not have heard of previously, and to remind people of the classics they never got around to playing. It's not a secret that review aggregates like Metacritic or Opencritic do a poor job at assessing roleplaying games, ans mainstream review scores (and overall coverage) often correlate heavily with marketing budgets that most RPGs lack. Word of mouth consensus from Era and similar comunities can be better, but you have to do more digging, and most discussion tends to be about the big franchises. These voting threads are a great place to collect a diverse array of opinions from a large number of ERA members. From those who dabble in the genre, to those who have completed hundreds of titles in the past. This thread will begin with a voting phase where people will list and discuss the RPGs that they personally consider to be essential plays. These could be games that they feel are the best of the genre, their personal favourites, or titles that highlight RPG diversity. I will leave that up to each participant.Since the purpose of this thread is to turn people onto great games, your explanation for each listed game is more important than the list itself. Please keep that in mind, and take the time to write a sentence or two about your picks. When the voting phase has wrapped up, the thread team will aggregate the votes into a Top 100 list. If you participated in the previous incarnation of this thread series, you might recall that we typically did a top 100. We have decided to go all out this year to capture a better diversity of games! Each game in the top 100 list will receive a banner similar to the sample below. This banner will provide some basic information about the game, including its length, ballpark cost, and playstyle. In addition to the banner, we will include some information about key staff members, OST highlights, and maybe some trivia. We will also try to include some Era member quotes from the individual voting lists, explaining why you should play the title. All of this is a lot of work, so we are counting on people to actually participate, and not just wait until the final list is up to complain about where Final Fantasy VIII ends up! The more votes we get, the better chance that a diverse selection of games is highlight, and the better chance that we see some hidden gems in the individual lists. The purpose of this thread really is to turn people onto new games. Because of that (and because straight list threads aren't allowed on ERA), including explanations for at least some of your list is mandatory. I want to offer an incentive to those who take the time and explain the games they love, so I will be raffling off some Amazon credit (and maybe other prizes) as an incentive. We realize that participating in something like this takes time. See the voting rules for more details. All of us running this thread disagree. They both share similar roots, and there is enough diversity on both sides of the Pacific to make splitting them arbitrary in many ways. Yes, many WRPGs focus on player choice, while many JRPGs choose to go with a more focused narrative, but that isn’t always the case, especially when we add indie titles to the mix. Both JRPGs and WRPGs will be counted the same way. Then vote for more WRPGs! We don’t choose what titles make the final list. If worthy computer RPGs or classic titles are left off, it’s because too few people voted for them. This forum is also skewed towards people who traditionally played consoles growing up, maybe discovering Steam in the past decade or so. As such, there are more people who grew up with classic JRPGs during the 80s to 00s. All the more reason to highlight the great titles coming out of North America and Europe during that period! After the voting phase, we will tally everyone's picks and create an OP with summaries of the top games. The difference between the two is explained in rule #3. If you include 10 games or less on your list, we will count them all as regular votes. If you have more than 10 games on your list but do not specify which ones are honorable mentions, we will assume the first 10 are regular votes and the ones after that are honorable mentions. If you want to list more than 20 games, put them under a second heading called "Unranked Honorable Mentions". The purpose of this thread is to highlight RPGs that you think are essential or worth playing, not to boost the ranking of 1 or 2 of your favourites. All regular votes are worth 2 points and all honorable mentions are worth 1 point. Following rule #1, this means you can have up to 10 games that each receive 2 points and 10 honorable mentions that each receive 1 point. If you have an absolute favourite RPG or one that you think that everyone on ERA should try, you can highlight it for double points (4 points instead of 2). You can only do this for one game on your list, and you cannot highlight honorable mentions. Votes can be for any RPG released on any system (or PC) at any point in time prior to the time you post your list. This list does not make any distinction between WRPGs and JRPGs, and you can vote for either on your list. You are also free to vote for traditional turn-based RPGs, action RPGs, strategy/tactical RPGs, and other hybrid games. I am not going to make the call on what is or isn't an RPG unless you are making outrageous choices like Super Mario Odyssey or FIFA 2018. Some people consider games like Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and Heroes of Might and Magic 3 to fit under the RPG umbrella, while others don't. You make the call. If your opinion is unique, the game simply won't appear on the final list. No one is interested in reading a post that simply lists 10 games with no explanations, which is why list threads are generally locked on Era. We are trying to turn people onto new titles, so take a sentence or two to tell readers why you think each of the games that you are picking are special or worth playing. In past incarnations of this list, we have gotten a bunch of insightful posts that convince me to try something new, and I know that I am not the only one. Resetera is a high traffic forum, so there will be eyeballs on what you write. If past history is anything to go by, people will continue to return to this thread months after it is posted, and it won't to see a bunch of top 10 lists with no justification. Tallying thousands of votes is a tedious process that is made more difficult when people vote for FF7 instead of Final Fantasy 7 or PST instead of Planescape Torment. Even assuming that we understand what your acronym is referring to, it is more likely to missed during the tallying phase than if it was spelled properly. Regular numbers are preferred to roman numerals, but that is less important. Do not vote for the same game twice, even if you believe that the remake substantially changed the feel of the game (e.g. the DS remake of Final Fantasy IV) or the expansion campaign was much stronger than the vanilla campaign (e.g. Mask of the Betrayer). That said, feel free to vote for a specific version of a game (and explain why that is the best version). When we create the final list, we will list all of the platforms that each game is available on and make note of substantial remakes/expansions in the game's summary. If you hate Skyrim, or Final Fantasy VII, or Xenoblade, go make a thread to vent. By nature, widely popular games will do better in these types of threads than older or more obscure titles. The best you can do is vote for your personal favourites and explain to the thread’s audience why they should expand their horizons beyond the genre’s few million seller franchises. I encourage you to be creative with your lists. I know that some people like to include pictures or banners to go along with their picks. Here are some quality examples so far: However, The first pass of vote counting will be automated, so this is essential. Do not change the rest of the formatting. Please include the VOTE INFO START and VOTE INFO END lines. If you are voting for fewer than the maximum games, delete any lines that do not apply. --VOTE INFO START— Title 1 here Title 2 here Title 3 here Title 4 here Title 5 here Title 6 here Title 7 here Title 8 here Title 9 here Title 10 here HM Title 1 here HM Title 2 here HM Title 3 here HM Title 4 here HM Title 5 here HM Title 6 here HM Title 7 here HM Title 8 here HM Title 9 here HM Title 10 here --VOTE INFO END-- Thanks for Participating! As an incentive to participate, we will be having a raffle.More raffle prizes may be added at a future time. If you would like to donate a prize (such as an RPG game key) to the raffle, send me a PM! I will make sure to give you credit for your donation. This thread is being created with the help of many people in the . designed our title image, helped revise this year's rules, and will be splitting the banner work with me. , , , , , and others offered their input on the thread's format, helped develop the game mechanics icons, and generally didn't tell us that we suck. If you like RPGs, make sure to check out the RPG community thread. They do a lot of good work.
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Thread: Resetera's Top 100 Essential RPGs - Voting stage running until July 22nd!
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Thread: Resetera's Top 100 Essential RPGs - Voting stage running until July 22nd!
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Thread: Resetera's Top 100 Essential RPGs - Voting stage running until July 22nd!
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Thread: Resetera's Top 100 Essential RPGs - Voting stage running until July 22nd!
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Thread: Resetera's Top 100 Essential RPGs - Voting stage running until July 22nd!
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Thread: Resetera's Top 100 Essential RPGs - Voting stage running until July 22nd!
Vote for what you like. Edge cases might not be considered to be RPGs by some, which will probably affect their placement, but that's not really the point. Alundra is typically considered an RPG. Zelda 2 is as well. The OoT style games are not considered RPGs by many, but they typically get some votes from those who disagree.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
Spider-Man Homecoming legs off of $80M is $228M. $250M off of a low 80s finish is a >3x multiplier. None of the direct sequels have managed that. Also $90M is dead and buried with a $33.8M Friday. Minus previews, that is $22.3M on Friday. Guardians of the Galaxy made $26.5M on its first Friday minus previews. AMatW would have to match GotG's Sat and Sun total to stay above $90M. Films released in early July don't bump the 40% over Friday proper required for that to happen. Basically, Deadline was overpredicting with their $85-95M range yesterday, which is why they dropped it to $81M last night, despite the fact that the Friday total only decreased $1M from their first estimate.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
All of the other Star Wars films came out during the December holidays, or launched in the middle of the week (decades ago in most cases). Having the lowest OW multiplier means nothing in this particular case.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
I imagine that some will be asking what went wrong. But Ant-Man 1's first Friday was $22.6M. Even at $80M, this is going to be a 40% bump over the opening of the first. If this wasn't an MCU film, we'd be talking about the great increase. Deadline is saying that the budget was $162M. Break even (after home media is factored in) is probably around $350M worldwide. AMatW should be around $600M I think. Maybe higher.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
Standard superhero legs for this time of year is around 2.6-2.75x OW. The first Ant-Man was 3.15x OW, but this one will almost certainly be more frontloaded. If I had to guess, AMatW will finish within $10M of Solo on either side, depending on legs going forward. Solo is looking to stop a bit short of $215M at the moment.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
I think that MI6 is heading towards that range too. It would be pretty wild if Solo ended up being 7th this summer. I doubt anyone had it lower than 5th in April.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
I'd have to go back and check, but Ant-Man and the Wasp might be the first MCU film to not win a worldwide weekend. A film called Dying to Survive is blowing up in China right now.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
Feige has been more flexible with his budgeting since ditching Perlmutter. Stuff like AMatW and Doctor Strange still have reasonable budgets. But last month, he said that Black Panther had a bigger budget than Civil War. Leading me to believe the $200M estimate that Disney put out was BS, since they claimed $250M for CW. However, the films that he has gone all out on have all made a ton of money.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
Wakanda takes cash to realize. They just ran out before getting to the train fight and rhinos :P
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
You joke, but someone is probably making this same post on some subreddit as we speak.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
I sort of wonder if Marvel/Disney knew that the train scene was a bit of a stinker, and that's why they went and released it as a clip just before release. Like, they put it out there so that people could get over it before actually seeing it on the big screen. Usually studios don't drop one of the worst parts of their film as a clip.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
I am betting that Solo's production issues messed up a lot of ILM scheduling. That shoot went longer than it was supposed to, and they didn't move back the release date to compensate.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
With the morning matinees today, Incredibles 2 passes Finding Dory to become the biggest animated film of all time domestically.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
Probably. At the very least, all of the IMAX and Large format screen would have gone over to Ant-Man.
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Thread: Black Panther and the Importance of Inclusion
Black Panther is the first film with a majority black cast, led by black creatives, to get a budget over $100M iirc. Since True Lies in 1994, there have been hundreds of films over that budget mark. This is the first one from a black perspective. People like to bring up Blade, but that was a mid-budget film, made by white guys, starring a majority white cast. Having a black lead and love interest doesn't make it Black Panther.
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Thread: Black Panther and the Importance of Inclusion
Ya, but they went in the other direction and made BP the most expensive MCU solo film to date, pairing it with one of their biggest marketing pushes outside of the Avengers stuff.
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Thread: Sophie Turner on Dark Phoenix: "much more grounded" and about a girl with "mental health problems"
Haha. Peter Dinklage is the only lead GoT actor who can be safely used without tanking your blockbuster franchise.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
The first Ant-Man had 6.4M in previews. So this is a good increase, even factoring for films being moderately more previews heavy now. People just got carried away with speculation last night.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
Deadline has Ant-Man at 35M today (including previews) based on early business.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
I am thinking something around Solo's opening. 85M +/- 2M. I suspect that Friday is still being inflated a bit by fourth of July vacations.
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Thread: Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom box office crosses $1 billion worldwide
We are at the point that a few franchise films could clear $1B and still be considered huge disappointments. No one is going to congratulate the Avatar 2, Avengers 4, or Episode 9 teams if their films wrap up at $1.0B. Fallen Kingdom was always headed for a big drop, and an eventual $1.2B is still great for a film of that size. I will be curious to see if the third one can also stay over the $1.0B mark though.
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Thread: Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom box office crosses $1 billion worldwide
It's all relative. $1B is still impressive outside of a few mega franchises. But Jurassic is a mega franchise.
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Thread: Living actors whose careers died
That poster meant between Sith and Black Swan, but it was still a bad example since Portman was a lead role in a wide release film every year between the two. Staying away from blockbusters doesn't mean that your career died. Going from A list to B list doesn't mean that either. Extremely few actors stay on top forever, and careers often ebb and flow. On topic, Cameron Diaz up and retired a few years back.
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Thread: Nintendo Switch |OT| Now you're playing with power; HYBRID POWER!
If people want to say stuff like that, it's preferrable to do so in this thread instead of spreading it to random threads. No need to troll for responses here because you were annoyed at the behaviour of others elsewhere.
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Thread: Keri Russell joins 'Star Wars: Episode IX'
Snap erasures are all the rage in cinema right now.
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Thread: Keri Russell joins 'Star Wars: Episode IX'
Abrams bringing in some of his TV alumni.
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Thread: Keri Russell joins 'Star Wars: Episode IX'
She doesn't. But similar hair and eye color is enough for internet speculation. I guess it is better than Finn = Lando's son speculation going into Ep7. And to be fair, casting usually doesn't care much about movie relatives looking alike.
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Thread: AMC theaters offers $19.99 subscription plan
Cineplex is pretty close to a monopoly here, so I am not holding my breath.
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Thread: RPG Community |OT| Take the Epoch to a New Era
My save file for Dark Cloud 2 was corrupted by a power failure while saving just before the final boss. I was over 50 hours into the game. I have never finished Dark Cloud 2 as a result.
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Thread: RPG Community |OT| Take the Epoch to a New Era
Hello all. Some of you might remember a series of Essential RPG threads that I used to run on NeoGAF. There has been a decent amount of interest in getting an ERA version of the Essential RPG list up and running, and several of us are prepping to start the voting stage very soon. Hopefully within the week. Along with a fresh start and hopefully enough new faces to shake up the typical rankings, the goal is to assemble a full top 100 this time around, with info and anecdotes for each game. Hopefully we get enough participation to do so! On that end, I think that it could be useful to have 2-3 finished voting lists ready to go as soon as the thread launches (ideally this weekend). If you have participated in the Essential RPG lists in the past, enjoy doing full write ups for your lists, and are able to get something together in the next few days to serve as an early example to others participating, please PM me. I can give you an early set of the voting rules, and will keep in touch with you as we prep the thread launch. I hope that the rest of you participate when the thread goes live. Having members who are well versed in the genre voting will lead to a better end product all around. Thanks!
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Thread: RPG Community |OT| Take the Epoch to a New Era
I don't think that 2018 will completely be a backlog friendly year, but the early months do have fewer games that scream "must have" for me personally. We'll see what Nintendo has cooking for Fire Emblem Switch though.
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Thread: RPG Community |OT| Take the Epoch to a New Era
Switching disks felt epic on the PS1. But now it seems like a hassle to even have physical disks. Physical is often much cheaper than digital in Canada unless a title is quite old though. So my switch to digital has mostly been aborted in recent years.
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Thread: RPG Community |OT| Take the Epoch to a New Era
EB Games in Canada had Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5+2.5 on sale for $19.99 this weekend. I passed because I own both collections on PS3 (and still haven't played them), but that seems like an incredible deal in terms of gaming hours if you wanted to play the Kingdom Hearts series. 2.8 was also $20.
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Thread: RPG Community |OT| Take the Epoch to a New Era
I played Vagrant Story as a teenager, but I think that I messed up something with the battle system. I got stuck fighting a dragon where each of my attacks was doing 1-2hp damage. After an hour of whittling it down, it healed or something and I turned the game off. I should give it another try. I am pretty sure that I own the PS1 version.
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Thread: RPG Community |OT| Take the Epoch to a New Era
So far, I have picked up two RPGs during Black Friday. Disgaea 5 complete for Switch (which was about half price) and Horizon Zero Dawn from the PSN sale. I haven't made any decisions on what to get for the Steam sale yet. Most of those deals will repeat in December, so I may hold off for now. For some reason, I thought that DQ3 was long. How is the mobile version? The only Suikoden games that I would categorize as short are the first and fourth ones. Both of those are under 30 hours. Suikoden 2 is a pretty standard length for a PS1 RPG (35-40 hours without getting into too much of the optional content. About 50 hours for a full run) Suikoden 3 and 5 are both long, with main campaigns over 50 hours. My complete run of Suiko 3 was around 90 hours.
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Thread: RPG Community |OT| Take the Epoch to a New Era
I think that I will grab and support Xanadu Next. I need to pick up 3rd at some point, but I havent played SC yet, so not an urgent priority.
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Thread: RPG Community |OT| Take the Epoch to a New Era
, have you played Tactics Ogre? That's pretty much what you described for the story/world building aspect of your ideal SRPG. Granted, it plays like Final Fantasy Tactics. Not Fire Emblem. I wish that I remembered more about the plot/characters of Vandal Hearts. That was a Fire Emblem clone. I think that it dealt with a more political plot, but I haven't played it since I was a teenager in the 90s, so I couldn't say whether it was well done or not. I wish that there were more Fire Emblem clones in general though. Especially since (real) Shining Force has been dead for 20 years.
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Thread: RPG Community |OT| Take the Epoch to a New Era
There is a fan translation, but I haven't played it to know how competent it is. Wasn't there a second game from the same team as well?
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Thread: RPG Community |OT| Take the Epoch to a New Era
I see that Shadow Tactics is one of the featured subgenre games. Convenient given the inclusion of the title in the last Humble Monthly!
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Thread: RPG Community |OT| Take the Epoch to a New Era
I picked up Mass Effect Andromeda for PS4 back in August for $15, when Best Buy was clearing out stock. I haven't played it yet though. Which is sort of funny, because Mass Effect used to be day one for me. The reception had the same effect on me that Suikoden IV's (which I still haven't played) did back in the PS2 era.
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Thread: RPG Community |OT| Take the Epoch to a New Era
I started viewing my backlog as a library in recent years. Things are there if I ever get the whim to play them. I have cut down on my purchasing quite a bit though. Especially full priced releases. No point on spending $60 on something that will be $10 in a PSN sale by the time that I get around to it. I try to stick to new releases that I want to play immediately. Thanks for the elaborations. Is Atlus USA still doing regular sales on 3DS eshop? I will have to pay more attention to those, and see if EO4 comes up for a good price.
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Thread: RPG Community |OT| Take the Epoch to a New Era
How are Etrian Odyssey 4 or 5 for someone who played the first game, but wasn't all that compelled to continue with it after a few hours? I don't dislike dungeon crawlers in general.
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Thread: RPG Community |OT| Take the Epoch to a New Era
I am glad to see everyone landed here. I have had contact with a lot of you over discord, but since I have been asked multiple times, the Essential RPG thread will not continue as is from NeoGAF. In the spirit of a new start here, we'll redo the vote in a month or so (when people have had time to settle in) as our first ResetEra recommendation thread. Everyone who posted last time, can just grab their text from the abandoned thread and make any needed tweaks from the past 2 months of gaming. Everyone that missed out will get a chance to participate, especially if you are one of our new community members. A lot of the banner content that kayos, Thores, FiveSide, and myself have completed to date will most likely be usable in a fresh thread, and I do plan on using the same banner template (with a couple minor tweaks) to cut down on work. So it won't be a complete loss! For those that were interested, here were the top 25 that will remain unfinished in the old thread:I don't want to derail this thread too much, so PM me here (or on discord if we are in contact) if you were curious about anything else from the past vote not publically posted here or prior to this.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
I am thinking that the Thursday preview take will be bigger at the very least.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
Keep in mind that it is summer, and that most of the MCU comps were in Spring or Fall while schools were in session. Also, Ant-Man started at 6pm. Most previous films started at 7pm.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
Fallen Kingdom passes $1B worldwide today. EDIT: Actually, Mojo's update says that it includes today overseas for some reason. So I guess it is possible that Fallen Kingdom is at $999M after today. Either way, $1B has basically been reached, given that Asia is already into Friday.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
France (opened yesterday), UK, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Germany, Spain, Italy, and the majority of the smaller EU territories. It's mostly Latin America, Asia (minus the three territories above), and Oceania so far. EDIT: The big 5 in Europe, plus Japan, were $210M for the original Incredibles. That film only did $370M total overseas.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
Possibly. UK is waiting a month. The film will be up for illegal streaming for weeks before then. World Cup delayed a bunch of films, and Disney is afraid to go against Mamma Mia 2 in the UK.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
The actual article headline just says 11M+
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Thread: Science Fiction |OT| A speculative ERA
I just noticed the existence of this thread! I read quite a bit of sci fi, ranging from the all-time classics to more popcorn stuff. I am currently just finishing up the third novel in the Legend of the Galactic Heroes series. After about 30 years of them being stuck in Japan, Viz started releasing English translations a few years back. I think that the first 5 novels (of 10) are out now, with #6 coming in a few months. The books are pretty light on actual science fiction, but if you like space opera and naval battles in space, they are pretty fun.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
Deadline is saying at least $11M for Ant-Man previews based on early data.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
Wednesday was the 4th of July. Black Panther dropped another 28 venues this weekend, down to 52. Disney don't care.
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Thread: Cheap Arse Era |Europe| EU will love these deals!
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Thread: The Incredibles 2 Review and Rotten Tomatoes Watch Thread
These types of films typically don't get a lot of division. If it is 96% after 57 reviews, I think that it will stay in the mid to high 90s.
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Thread: Mathematicians show the Fermi paradox might not be much of a paradox
Considering that we have only been able to detect exoplanets for about 25 years, even in nearby systems, I don't know how much weight I would put on our abilities to detect intelligent life if it is out there. At least at any distance further than our local star cluster.
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Thread: Canada-Era, How Do the Major Cities Stack Up Against Each Other?
Quebec City is rough if you don't speak French fluently.
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Thread: Canada-Era, How Do the Major Cities Stack Up Against Each Other?
The old city is fine to visit without French, because they are used to getting a ton of tourism. Outside of that though... I had to live there for a year with extremely basic French, and I now have a great respect for Canadian immigrants coming from places where English (or French if they are in Qc) is not prevalent.
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Thread: Canada-Era, How Do the Major Cities Stack Up Against Each Other?
I am glad that owning a house in Edmonton is still feasible for millennials without help. Starter houses in places that you wouldn't be afraid to live are 300-450k depending on neighborhood. Cheaper for townhomes. Markham was double that when I left. And It's not like wages are higher in the GTA than they are in Alberta (unless you are in finance).
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Thread: Canada-Era, How Do the Major Cities Stack Up Against Each Other?
This sounds like most of Canada outside of the larger cities and their suburbs.
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Thread: Disney wins antitrust approval for Fox purchase. Fox shareholder vote to take place July 27th.
I updated the title
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Thread: Disney wins antitrust approval for Fox purchase. Fox shareholder vote to take place July 27th.
Give me a link or tweet from a major news source to throw in the OP, and I will update the title.
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Thread: Star Wars |OT| New Canon, New Forum [NO IX SPOILERS]
Hard to say. For now, I would split the difference between TFA and Rogue One.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
Incredibles 2 should pass Dory's domestic total this weekend. Fallen Kingdom passes 300M on Thursday, and moves into 4th place for the year this weekend (where it will likely stay, unless something else blows up this fall)
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
375-400M domestic. Maybe 1.2B worldwide.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
It could end up closer to 400M down, but it's still a sizable drop. Dropping 250M+ domestic didn't help. Overseas did their part well enough.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
Weekend actuals bumped Fallen Kingdom up $1M and change. So roughly $61M this past weekend.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
That was the greatest thing in the history of GAF.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
Back on topic, Fallen Kingdom will break $1B in the coming week. I am wondering if we will get another large drop for the next film, or if it will even out some.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
I don't see $690M unless Disney is going to break form and re-expand the film in the next month. It might hit $680M with great late legs. $675M is locked, which is basically what I said would happen a month ago. The fact that a superhero film with a $39M previews gross that opened when schools were in session managed to hit a 2.6x OW multiplier is quite impressive. Better Legs than GOTG2 with $110M more on OW.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
They need to just go full insanity at this point. JW3 trailer should close with Pratt riding the T-rex and shooting down weaponized pteranodons with a machine gun as Rexy and blue battle evil raptors. basically "we have no plot, but this is what 6 year old you would have wanted"
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
The first one had a platform release, but it made $12M on its wide release weekend. This one will probably have worse legs, but should end up with a similar total.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
If Ant-Man and Wasp doesn't boost Black Panther past $700M next weekend, is probably going to have to admit defeat. Until then, there is still hope.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
You guys can discuss the merits of Doctor Strange in the MCU community or by starting a new thread. I think that it's time to move on in here though. Zatt, I don't see any actual personal snipes at you other than this below. Most people are just arguing, or reading into your own arguing. Playco, can you knock this sort of thing off? Labelling people obsessive fanboys isn't going to lead to anything productive. This is generally a pretty relaxed thread/community. Let's return to that please. Thanks.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
I still have 134 minutes of Canada Day left.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
$1 billion is not the high end for Incredibles 2. I feel like we have to go through this every time Pixar releases a film. The international take is low because the overseas territory releases are staggered. It will hit 1B with ease.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
Solo opened better in Japan than pretty much everywhere else comparatively. It might be enough for 400M worldwide. Better to just watch the first Sicario and save your money and/or time by skipping the second. I'd give the first an 8 and the second a 4-5
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
For once, I remembered to post the worldwide chart.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
Incredibles 2 looks like it is heading towards $550Mish domestic. Hard to judge overseas, but $1B is a lock. Most of Europe hasn't opened yet.
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
This is ResetEra's weekend box office thread. While the OP focuses on the popular weekend tallies, we typically discuss box office throughout the week as well when notable films are playing. New threads are are posted each Sunday morning, between 8-10am PST. *Click the chart to view the full source *Click the chart to view the full source
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Thread: Wkd Box Office - 6•29-7•1•18 - Fallen Kingdom Repeats #1. Sicario beats tracking. Drew is fine too.
Bump since this was made last night.
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Thread: Fire Emblem Heroes |OT|Mount Breeding Simulator
Looks like Lissa is going to pull off an upset against Tharja.
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Thread: Fire Emblem Heroes |OT|Mount Breeding Simulator
I only got one Tempest trials run done yesterday. I think that this is going to be a minimal effort TT run for me, given the amount that is going on right now with this forum launch. It will probably get rebooted, as I think that we are trying to avoid actual threads started on NeoGAF simply being moved here. I will have to redo the vote, but the banner work and info collecting was mostly finished. It won't all go to waste, and people who just participated can copy/paste their lists here. I want to give this place a month of so to find its feet first though!
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Thread: Fire Emblem Heroes |OT|Mount Breeding Simulator
I should probably get off of discord and do my Tempest Trials dailies.
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Thread: Steam Summer Sale 2018 |OT| 6/21 - 7/5. Yes, it's still just 33% off.
There was about a year where Amazon gave them a good fight. But that didn't last.
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Thread: Steam Summer Sale 2018 |OT| 6/21 - 7/5. Yes, it's still just 33% off.
Original Sin 2 is still 20% off... hopefully it gets to join the 33% club this fall.
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Thread: Steam Summer Sale 2018 |OT| 6/21 - 7/5. Yes, it's still just 33% off.
How much did Xanadu Next get slashed? You should probably push that so that people are ready for July's RPG club!
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Thread: Steam Summer Sale 2018 |OT| 6/21 - 7/5. Yes, it's still just 33% off.
It's more a matter of having a large backlog, that makes it hard to justify adding more full or near full priced games to it.
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